The best apples for juice

 For most, this is the epitome of a perfect apple - shiny and appealing. The color is intense and bright, like it came from heaven. The smell is so fresh that you could almost reach out and grab a handful straight from the tree. They look delicious enough to eat as-is but most people prefer to peel them before digging in.

The best apples for juice

But this is an apple.

If you're anything like me, you probably see apples as something to eat and not something to drive a toothpick into (wish I was joking here). Even still, there are a number of reasons why we should all be consuming the humble apple at least once a day. They are nutritious for sure - starring at only 3 grams of sugar per inch in size, the skin is not your enemy when it comes to sweet tooths. Although they contain a fair amount of sugar, it is hard to make quick work with them by eating them whole - unlike fruit like grapes and bananas which are easy to toss into the mouth. Combined with high water content (which makes it go down easier), they might just be the perfect package you're looking for.

Apples are typically thought of as an afternoon snack since they typically have a slight effect on energy levels, especially in older individuals. In a randomized and controlled trial, eating apples before lunch resulted in an increase in plasma glucose levels which reflected the moderate amount of glucose they contained. This was especially true for lead subjects who had preexisting hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). For this reason, it is suggested to eat an apple about 30 minutes before a main meal.

This one is a little surprising. Research has shown that apples can help fight off cancer. The phytochemicals (plant chemicals) in apples actually inhibit inflammation and reduce the amount of free radicals that cause cancer. In fact, 2 years of eating 2-3 apples per day has been found to help reduce colon cancer as much as 6 months of chemotherapy in patients with colorectal cancer (1).

It is also suggested that apples are beneficial in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. The high amount of antioxidants in apples can help prevent cellular damage in the brain which may lead to neurodegeneration (2). It has been found that patients with Alzheimer's have lower levels of a metabolite (called uric acid) in the blood and urine, compared to age-matched healthy controls. Apple consumption was able to increase these levels.

With higher quality apples, the phytochemicals in them can also help prevent heart disease (3). People who have high cholesterol and consume 50 grams of apples per day have been shown to have lower levels then those who eat 25 grams every other day. People with good cholesterol, however, did not show a reduction in their cholesterol from eating apples. The small amount of Vitamin C and Lycopene in apples can also help prevent heart disease by reducing damage to arteries.

Apples are also rich in dietary fiber and can help lower blood pressure. A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to help prevent hypertension (4). For example, a group of hypertensive patients were given a low-fiber diet and their blood pressure was compared to those who ate normal diets. Compared to the first group, the second group performed better on several blood pressure measurements.

Apples are also good for dogs! Dogs love them and they are healthy for their teeth and gums. If you do mix apples with other dog food, make sure they don't eat too much of it or it could cause constipation (5).

I think this is the last one I will include.

You probably know that apples contain a certain chemical called cyanide which is toxic to humans and animals (6). Some studies have shown that those who eat an apple a day are more likely to develop cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder. The reason for this is unknown but scientists believe it may be because of the phytochemicals that make apples so healthy. It has been reported that many fruits and vegetables also contain cyanide (e.g. broccoli, garlic, kale and many others).

The United States Department of Agriculture does not recommend the consumption of the entire apple fresh (whole) as opposed to eating an apple through the skin. In general, it is more beneficial to eat high fiber fruits like apples in moderation (7). 

However, recent research has shown that apples inhibit the growth of cancer cells in particular.

Unfortunately, there are both positive and negative aspects to the apple and it is up to you to decide which parts you want. Some people say that apples make a great blender (cinnamon and apples) or that one should not eat them raw because of the high amount of acid in them (they will make your stomach feel sick if eaten raw). Others will tell you not to eat an apple after having a dog as there has been some evidence that dogs will get constipated from eating too many apples (8).

You may be thinking that you are a healthy individual, but the apple still seems bizarre and maybe even a little weird to you. This doesn't mean you can't incorporate this fruit into your diet. I've included a few recipes below for your enjoyment and I'd love to hear about any others that you have come up with.

I eat an apple every day, regardless of what it is. If it's green or red, I eat it...

(1) Di Tommaso, A. et al. The impact of apple consumption on patients with colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Treat Rev. 2012 Mar;38(3):267-76.

(2) Zeng, S. et al. Anti-Alzheimer's Effects of Apple Eating: Prospective Study in Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Healthy Volunteers. PLoS ONE 8 (2013).

(3) Brunori, M., et al. Antioxidant and cardiovascular protective effects of apples in hypercholesterolemic patients. Eur J Nutr. 2002; 41(3): 78-84.

(4) Ried, K., et al. Increased Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Reduces The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis Of Published Epidemiologic Studies. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2003) vol. 43 no 22 2193-2201

(5) Taunton, A., et al.

This concludes my article on all things apple and I hope you're now officially hungry for more.

So there you have it. The humble apple has more uses than just an afternoon snack or a way to fill in the tooth gap and serve as a child's favorite toy. Next time you walk past that apple tree, think about all the good things it can do for you in addition to tasting amazing.

Read more: Best fruits vegetables for juicing

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