One of the great things about juicing is that by including a variety of fruits and vegetables, you are able to find the combinations that best taste good with one another.
This can be done in a number of ways:
A) Start out with the juice from watermelon and puree strawberries. This will create a red liquid which can then be thrown back into your blender in order to make it redder.
B) Do the same as above, but this time with green apples and pears.
C) Start out with the juice from carrots and celery. When finished, add fresh ginger to the mixture just long enough to blend it in.
D) Start out with the juice from carrots, celery and beets. When finished, throw in a handful of mint for its freshness and aroma.
E) Start out with the juice from oranges, lemons and limes. Once finished, add fresh ginger for a full-bodied mixture.
F) Do the same as above, but this time including cilantro in the blend. This will make it redder due to adding more of the green ingredient into the blend.
G) Start out with the juice from carrots and green apples. Too much of this combination will turn the mixture green, so it is best to add in a handful of spinach and a handful of parsley while blending it in.
As you can see, there are many different ways you can blend ingredients together, but one of the most effective ways to blend fruits and vegetables into one juicing blend is to start out with the juice from watermelon, puree strawberries and cognac.
This way, you attain a beautiful red liquid that is much better tasting than a strawberry-only juice.
"Vegetable" vegetable : A crop grown for human consumption in the manner of other crops (such as potatoes).
"Vegetable oil": A vegetable, fruit or animal fat that has been extracted from the seed. Also a secondary product of the processing of vegetable oils, like refined olive oil.
"Wheatgrass (grass): Of the genus "Elymus", native to western North America; a perennial herbaceous plant with narrow leaves, small flowers and large round seeds. The green outer leaves are used as a vegetable. The roots are used in medicine as a source of chlorophyll.
"Whey": A watery substance or liquid remaining after separation of curd or solids from the interior contents of milk.
"Yellowtail": The European food fish "Seriola dumerili", similar to the pompano and orange roughy; it is a deep, rich yellow in color. Also, the name given to a type of amberjack found in warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The flesh is white and delicate in flavor.
A) Use Pears and Honeydew instead of Oranges: This gives the fruit mixture a deeper, sweeter taste in the end.
B) Use Carrot juice for color: If you need to give the fruit juice a special hue, but do not have any beet juice, you may use carrot juice to achieve this. It will give it a lighter orange color due to the fact that carrots are lighter in hue than beets.
C) Use Celery and Ginger for a very spicy flavor when done:This has a very subtle feel to it. It alters the taste of the juice quite nicely. To achieve I added two or three stalks of celery that were roughly chopped into chunks. I then added some fresh ginger that was sliced into thin strips and then cut in half so it still retained its integrity. I then added one teaspoon of honeydew and let it blend until I felt it was smooth enough. This is a very good juice for beginners or for those just getting started on detoxification diets.
"Barley grass": Of the species "Hordeum vulgare", naturalized from Eurasia; a perennial of the grass family with green leaves used as a vegetable, similar to wheatgrass but lower in protein.
"Beet": Of the species "Beta vulgaris", a biennial plant related to parsnips, spinach, and sugar beets; the leaves are used as a vegetable and the root is used as a source of sugar.
"Breadfruit": The fruit of "Artocarpus altilis", a pale green drupe with yellow to orange flesh.
"Brussels sprout": Of the species "Brassica oleracea", a plant of the family "Brassicaceae".
"Cabbage": Of the species "Brassica oleracea", a perennial plant related to broccoli and cauliflower; has hollow, dense, rounded dark green leaves and pale yellow flowers.
"Carrot": Of the species "Daucus carota".
"Chayote": Of the species "Sechium edule".
"Celery": The leaves and unopened flower stalks of the species "Apium graveolens"; used as a flavoring herb.
"Cucumber": The fruit of the species "Cucumis sativus"; a short, round, green or yellowish fruit with numerous seeds.
"Fennel": Of the species, varieties and cultivars of plant in the genus "Foeniculum".
"Garlic": Of the species "Allium sativum".
"Ginger": Of the species "Zingiber officinale", the root used as a spice.
"Gnats": A small, soft-bodied insect, usually about 2 millimeters long. The adult is brown, with long legs and a toothed mouthpart that catches food; swarming in numbers it can be found on orange flowers.
"Green onions": Of the species "Allium cepa", yellow-green or white bulbs used as a vegetable similar to scallions.
"Greens": The general category of vegetables grown in the form of leaves, stems and immature edible portions, as well as seedlings (cabbage and cauliflower are usually grouped together) used for their greens. It is also known that a certain number of vegetables are considered by some nutritionists to be high in certain vitamins and thus considered high in foods.
"Honeydew": The fruit of the species "Cucumis melo", used as a vegetable similar to honeydew melon
"Kale": Of the species "Brassica oleracea", a perennial plant belonging to the genus "Brassica".
"Leek": Of the species "Allium ampeloprasum"; bulb-like edible onions.
"Lettuce": Lettuca sativa, a plant having a variety of cultivated forms, including leaf lettuce, Cos lettuce, butterhead lettuce and cheese lettuce.
"Mint": Of the genus "Mentha".
"Mustard": A genus of plants used as spices and for oil; some species are commonly cultivated for their flowers (see "Watercress").
The above combinations are only the tip of the iceberg, as there are many other combinations to try. One should always play around with new things as it will improve your overall fruit and vegetable intake.
Read more: When to drink orange juice