Master Cleanse The Master Cleanse is a form of detox dieting consisting of nothing but liquids for an extended period (ten days to a month, depending on which variation is used). While some may find success with the Master Cleanse, it carries significant risk for short- and long-term health consequences due to its fasting nature.
This article provides a comprehensive summary of the Master Cleanse as well as an in-depth analysis of its related medical conditions and a full list of potential side effects.
The Master Cleanse is a modern-day version of the centuries-old practice of consuming herbs, some animal parts and/or fruit in order to cleanse the body, rid it of toxins and restore balance. The most popular version of the Master Cleanse was developed in the 1930s by Stanley Burroughs, a chiropractor. His book, “The Master Cleanser for Weight Loss and Body Purification,” is said to have sold over 10 million copies worldwide.
The diet involves drinking a citrus juice concoction supplemented with fresh-squeezed vegetable and fruit juices throughout the day. The idea is that by consuming only liquids, you restrict your daily calorie intake enough to cause weight loss.
In addition to weight loss, the Master Cleanse is said to help rid the body of toxins and digestive waste that build up inside causing disease. Proponents of the diet say it is detoxifying because no solid food is consumed. Lemon juice, maple syrup and water are the main components of this diet.
The Master Cleanse is considered by many to be an effective form of detoxification for the body. Proponents claim that cleansing the body with this diet results in better digestion, mental clarity and weight loss, among other health benefits.
The Cons Dieting on only liquids for an extended period of time is extremely unhealthy in the short- and long-term . In fact, it can lead to serious health complications and even death . The goal of the Master Cleanse is to cleanse the body, so we should assume that the Master Cleanser would cleanse our bodies.
Cases of liver and kidney failure have been reported after eating nothing but lemon juice, maple syrup and water for 10 days. Other health complications include heart failure and death. Fasting can lead to malnutrition, dehydration and neurological problems such as delirium or paranoia .
Have been reported after eating nothing but lemon juice, maple syrup and water for 10 days.
There are no scientific studies that support the health claims made by proponents of the Master Cleanse. In fact, according to nutritionists, the diet is not effective for weight loss and can cause long-term health problems.
Master Cleanse Side Effects
The Master Cleanse can cause many side effects for people eating only lemon juice, maple syrup and water for 10 days . These side effects include: Increased hunger and cravings due to nutritional deficiencies . Fainting from low blood sugar levels . Dehydration from liquid intake.
Some of the side effects of the diet that come from getting enough calories and nutrients include: Nausea and other side effects caused by the maple syrup . The maple syrup can also cause yeast infections in addition to causing gastric reflux, diarrhea, stomach pain and other digestive problems. Both of these side effects require going to the doctor to get fixed. Diarrhea caused by a lack of fiber in the diet; this is extremely uncomfortable as it is difficult to go to the bathroom. If you suffer from diarrhea, it most likely means you’re not getting enough fiber in your diet. Uncontrollable gas and bloating due to the lack of fiber in the diet . Muscle weakness and exhaustion caused by low calories and nutritional deficiencies . Can cause hair loss.
Side effects of the Master Cleanse are generally temporary when it comes to weight loss. Once a person starts eating solid food again, their hunger often goes away, as do most of their side effects.
However, some symptoms like low blood sugar, nausea, constipation and diarrhea can be persistent and can continue long after the cleanse is over. If a person decides to continue eating the foods they ate during their cleanse, they run a risk of having these symptoms.
Researchers suggest that some of the side effects experienced by people on this diet could be due to the fact that drinking lemon juice causes acid reflux because it is alkaline.
Other side effects, like hair loss and weight gain after the cleanse, have not been proven. However, they could be caused by a number of factors such as eating unhealthy foods after the cleanse or not exercising due to fatigue.
The Master Cleanse might also cause certain nutritional deficiencies that can produce short-term side effects in some people. These nutritional deficiencies include: Zinc deficiency (causes weak nails and low energy levels ). Vitamin B-12 deficiency (causes depression and exhaustion ). Iron deficiency (causes anemia and fatigue ).
That can produce short-term side effects in some people. These nutritional deficiencies include:
There are also certain health risks associated with the Master Cleanse, including: Elevated blood pressure and increased chance of stroke . Dehydration , which can lead to serious medical problems such as kidney failure . Heart attack or heart arrhythmia due to a combination of dehydration, low calories and increased blood pressure . Acid reflux caused by the alkalinity of the lemon juice.
Associated with the Master Cleanse, including:
Due to these potential side effects, we recommend avoiding the Master Cleanse at all costs . According to nutritionists, it is not a healthy diet and will do nothing but harm your body . You should also avoid any diet that involves consuming only liquids for an extended period of time. It’s just as unhealthy as any other extreme form of dieting.
The Master Cleanse is basically a laxative and should not be done in the long-term . According to medical professionals, people who do this tend to develop an addiction to laxatives. If a person does decide to stop using the Master Cleanse, he or she may have a hard time going back to eating normal foods.
“The Master Cleanse is a very dangerous diet and one of the worst ways to lose weight. It’s not safe for your body and will dehydrate you. The Master Cleanse can even cause death.” – Trevor Noah, host of the Daily Show
Is The Master Cleanse Safe?
Proponents of the Master Cleanse claim that it is safe and effective for detoxification when you follow its strict guidelines. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and many health professionals argue that this diet is potentially dangerous .
Read more: Healthiest vegetables to juice