Is there a difference in how you feel when you drink juice on an empty stomach or when it’s later in the day? We are sure you have felt the difference, but do you know why certain times of day is more appropriate for drinking juice than others?
In this article we will discuss when is best to drink juice, as well as looking into whether or not it makes sense to consume your daily recommended amount of fruit and vegetables during one sitting.
# Early in the day
Most juice lovers will drink juice early in the morning before breakfast, and there’s a very good reason for this – the body is
cooler when you first wake up. When your body temperature is lower, your metabolism is slower and therefore you’re less likely to digest food properly. If you drink juice on an empty stomach, your risk of having heartburn increases because it travels down faster than when it reaches an already full digestive system.
# Mid-day
With fatigue diminishing your thought process, your body should be able to take in the recommended amount of water, fibre and vitamins. Drinking juice later in the day prevents you from getting too hungry, which can make you overeat after a meal. You’ll have more energy and eat less.
# In the evening
The body is warmed up and digesting food, so drinking juice at this time will get your digestive system used to regular intake. You should immediately see a reduction in bloating or indigestion as you introduce these new foods.
# Before bedtime
This is an excellent time to get a huge dose of fruits and vegetables into your body if you are unable to eat them during the day.
# Tip
Before any kind of meal, it is best to drink a large glass of water in order for your body to absorb the nutrients from vodka or juice. Also, if you have food in your stomach when you drink juice it will slow down the absorption process and make you feel bloated because there’s more food that needs to be digested. Eating first also ensures that any acidic juices won’t adversely affect your stomach.
While juice can increase the risk of cancer, only those juices that are more concentrated than a glass of fruit will have a negative effect on your body. What this means is that drinking one glass of fruit juice would not be as harmful as drinking two glasses of orange juice, for example. In fact, it has been found that apples have the lowest risk when it comes to cancer in children but there are several other fruits and vegetables that may also play a role in your health.
Since the correct amount of juice to drink isn’t certainly known, it is best to consult a doctor. Some health professionals may recommend that you consume 100% fruit and vegetable juice, while others might recommend consuming them sporadically. Whatever your health professional recommends is what you should do – but only if they are knowledgeable in their field.
In summary, it is better to drink juice in moderation and only occasionally than not at all.
# Drink water while eating watermelon to reduce bloating
According to dietitian Anna Cederlund, the best way to reduce bloating and flatulence is to cut out dairy products and eat more vegetables. The reason for this is that dairy produces gas and it also interferes with the ability of the body’s digestive system to absorb nutrients.
In particular, not consuming dairy slows down bile production which can lead to chronic constipation.
# Watermelon
As a doctor, Dr. David Katz explains that watermelon is an excellent choice to reduce bloating because it's high in fibre and potassium. The fibre content is also great for regularity and may help alleviate flatulence.
Watermelon contains large amounts of potassium and lowers the risk of kidney stones and heart disease, which are two of the main causes of bloating. Eating watermelon also helps to flush out toxins from the body.
# Cabbage
Cabbage contains an compound that prevents blood clotting (caraben), which is why cabbage is great for anyone experiencing an upset stomach.
Cauliflower also has excellent health benefits.
# Cucumber
Cucumbers are very good for digestion and they also help to cool down the body temperature, which is why most people prefer to eat cucumbers on a hot day. Cucumbers essentially act like human perspiration, meaning that they are able to draw out toxins from the body.
# Rosemary oil
Rosemary oil increases the flow of bile in your stomach and soothes an upset tummy.
# Honeydew
Honeydew is also high in water, which means it can be a useful remedy for relieving excess water retention.
# Lemon
Lemon provides relief from gassiness when ingested. It can also help prevent bad breath and improves the rate at which your body absorbs iron. Lemon is the only fruit that contains iron and it is recommended to take iron supplements if you are deficient in iron. If you are not deficient in iron, then drinking lemon juice will help to boost your intake of it.
# Strawberries
Strawberries are high in fiber and can help to reduce the symptoms of an upset stomach, such as bloating.
# Acidity in juice
Some juice will do more harm than good to your body, so it is best to stick with "slightly acidic" juices that contain no more than 4% citric acid. Heavy citrus fruits also have a high glycemic index and they also cause water retention.
# The best way to reduce bloating and flatulence
According to dietitian Anna Cederlund, the best way to reduce bloating and flatulence is to cut out dairy products and eat more vegetables. The reason for this is that dairy produces gas and it also interferes with the ability of the body’s digestive system to absorb nutrients.
In particular, not consuming dairy slows down bile production which can lead to chronic constipation.
# Detoxification process
Juicing is a great way to rid the body of parasites, toxins and bad bacteria. In fact, many people who begin practicing juicing quickly notice that they are getting rid of unwanted junk and start feeling better. According to natural health expert Dr. Thomas Levy, the full detoxification process generally takes about 5 days or a few weeks of drinking juice every day. During this time you should take tiny sips of juice from your juicer and drink plenty of water as well.
# Fruits and vegetables to detox your body
The top fruits and vegetables for detox include carrots, beets, lemons, apples and cucumbers.
# Juice to reduce bloating
Juice that contains lots of water is an excellent choice when trying to reduce bloating. Watermelon juice is a good example of this because it is high in water content and also contains several other benefits. Watermelon can aid in digestion by helping the body produce bile, which protects against gallstones and lowers cholesterol.